Tuesday, 4 March 2014

thrift shopping tips

I love a good Saturday morning spent browsing the spaces in the thrift shops in my local town. I love the idea of finding little gems amongst the things that other people have considered "useless" in their lives. There are so many different types of charity shops and vintage stalls that sell second hand goods, but instead of turning your nose up at them.. why not have a rummage around and see what you can give a second life to? It's the best feeling!

I think the most important tip I can give you for finding good pieces in charity shops, is that you must first accept that not every trip to a thrift shop will be successful. Sometimes, stores will be full of junk that doesn't catch your eye. A leftover piece of lego, a right shoe with no leftie, a melted down candle. Sure, these things may never get the chance to be loved again, but that's the deal with thrift shops. You've gotta keep checking back to see what new bits they have been donated.

Make sure you give yourself enough time to take a good look around your charity shop of choice. This rule probably applies for any shopping trip. There's nothing worse than getting stressed out trying to fly through the rails because you need to rush off somewhere. Shopping should be a happy thing! Schedule your thrift shopping for a free afternoon or weekend and you'll give yourself a much better chance at finding something great and having fun at the same time. 

Look at broken pieces as a little project. That bag with the broken strap for 50p? Buy it and fix it back up to working order! I once found a black leather NEXT satchel for £1.50, but the zip was broken. I took it to my Nannan and she fixed it good as new! Some things may just need a little bit of TLC to get back into shape.

Have an open mind. Sure, that glass bowl looks super cute but probably wouldn't be very good at eating your Weetabix out of. However, it would look amazing as a jewellery dish! Perhaps that scarf is a little worn out to be teamed with your biggest Winter coat, but if you cut it into a little head scarf you'll look all 50's chic! Be open to the possibilities of an item and you might just end up snapping up some awesome pieces for your home and wardrobe!

One man's trash is another man's treasure. This is a great saying and a lot of people bear this is mind when shopping in charity stores. However, this phrase doesn't necessarily mean that this particular man's trash is your treasure. Everybody has different tastes, but if you stick at it and keep searching you will find a gem!

Hopefully I've given you some extra tips for the next time you go into a charity shop, or maybe I've inspired you to walk into the dusty vintage store you walk past every day! Shopping in places like that is so much fun and you really can pick up some amazing bargain!

Happy thrifting!

Liv xox

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