Do you ever feel like you've got a million things to do, but no matter what the list never seems to be getting shorter? I feel like that a lot. My head is just constantly bursting with thoughts, ideas, plans, worries, problems, solutions, lists and possibly even the odd pug now and then. Sometimes, it can really weigh me down and today that's what it is doing.
I get stressed super easy, which makes me worry, which makes me ever more stressed and the vicious cycle goes on and on. It can make me feel really down about myself and my life and sometimes the only thing that helps is realising just how insignificant we actually are. I know that sounds super depressing but hear me out! Just imagine the amount of people living on Earth today. That's a lot, right? But then imagine how many people lived before all of us that are here today. And that is a damn lot! The fact is that at some point, billions of people have felt exactly the same as I do now and that has made absolutely no difference whatsoever to which way the planet turns, whether or not it will rain next Tuesday, or whether the Sun will explode tonight. We are very small compared to how vast our universe is, and so our little lives seem more fragile and delicate than ever. Yet so unique! We must grasp our tiny years that we spend on this rock with two hands, and try to make as many memories as possible because nobody lives forever. And once you've had you're time that's it. Poof. Gone. You don't get any second chances.
Also, I like London a lot x
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