Tuesday, 22 April 2014

tangle teezer

Tangly hair taking over your hair-y life? I feel ya. My hair has always been a nightmare to maintain. It's quite limp and fine, but there is alot of it! Getting in the shower or attempting to brush through my locks turns into a full military operation as I have to spend 20 minutes afterwards removing my hair from every crevice of the room.

Trying to remove the knots from my hair used to be a tear-jerking task. I remember my mum sitting my down as she tried to comb through my matted mane. Not pretty. But then I heard of this little invention, the Tangle Teezer. I'll admit that when I first used this I didn't feel like it made a world of difference. But once I switched back to a normal hairbrush, I noticed just how massively this changed my life!

I had a pink Tangle Teezer at first, but then my dog decided that he wanted it so I had to purchase another. This time I picked up this bright orange and yellow version. Pretty!

Aesthetics aside, how does it perform? I don't believe people when they say that this makes pain non-existent when it comes to brushing. If you have hair like me then, whilst it may still be a little uncomfortable, this makes it so, so, so much easier to brush through and reduces the pain by a large margin. I would recommend spritzing your hair with some form of conditioning or detangling spray first. I really like to use the Dove Hair Nourishing Oil Care Leave-In Spray which is moisturising and smells gorgeous, whilst still being very inexpensive.

Once you've added some kind of spray to your locks, slowly and gently pull the Tangle Teezer through your hair to begin the detangling. Section it off if it makes it any easier, but I promise that there will be no tears when using this! The flexible teeth mean that if a knot gets caught in a bristle and just does not wanna budge, you won't rip it out. Normal brushes would grab hold of the matted section and pull until you either snapped your hair, or free'd up some strands. Bendy teeth (that sounds weird) will gently move themselves around the knot, reducing breakage.

Even though this may seem expensive, I'd highly recommend picking one up! They last ages, and the investment is totally worth it as you'll be left with healthier, stronger hair that shines!

What do you think of the Tangle Teezer?

Liv xox

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